Exploitation Theater: Dr. Minx (1975)

Sexploitation is a mixed bag usually, a whole lot of one and not enough of the other, either too much sex or no story or vice versa. Now you may say that it’s a sexploitation, what do you expect? But there is no reason that you can’t have both. One film that has enough of both is the sexy crime thriller, Dr. Minx.

Dr. Minx opens with a pretty verbally graphic sex scene. Dr. Carol Evens is in bed with her lover Gus Dolan (70’s tough guy William Smith). It seems that they are lost in love but soon it’s revealed that she gained her money after the death of her husband and Gus was involved. He wants half her money so she throws him out. 
Carol goes on with her daily life which consists of inviting patients over to get an “Injection” (or give one). She soon gets involved with a young patient named Brian (Randy Boone) but can’t shake his seriously annoying and creepy friend David (Harvey Jason of Jurassic Park) who wants to prove she’s a murderer. He may get the opportunity since Gus won’t give up on the cash he feels he’s owed.
Dr. Minx is an odd mix for this type of film; the drama actually works as well as the sex. Sure allot of it is because of Edy Williams smoldering performance, but regardless, we do care what happens to Dr. Minx. 
The great thing about the film is that does manage to keep you guessing throughout. You’re never quite sure just hoe cut and dry her intentions are or where the film is heading.
Edy Williams is good in this film. Always gorgeous from Batman to Chained Heat, there was something about this woman that stays with you. 
The film itself is fun with great atmosphere in the climax. It has become quite a rare film to find but can be purchased through Amazon and Ebay. I do recommend it. After all they don’t make them like this anymore.

Other Horrific Musings:

Exploitation Theater: Mantis In Lace (1968)

Exploitation Theater: Candice Rialson in Pets (1974)

Exploitation Theater: Truck Stop Women (1974)

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