Krampus Unleashed is a classic terror tale where a good hometown family go to visit grandma and granddad for Christmas when an old curse and bumbling treasure hunters endanger everything.

krampus-unleashed-18When these hunters track down what they expect to be a hoard of gold Outlaw Kraus burried away from law men in the 1800’s instead they find a stone covered in ancient germanic writing. These men, too busy fighting over their cut incite the spell work engraved on the stone summoning Krampus – a demon said to be sent after the enemies of St. Nicholas.  He would place the coal in their stockings activating the spell by the heat of the hearth.

krampus-unleashed-12It’s soon too late for these treasure hunters, but when the town begin the hunt for the unknown animal it’s only too clear that the only way you get the drop on Krampus is if he lets you. With a full cast from prissy aunts, pervy cousins, and irritating brothers in law to over lording parental figures, creepy gas station loiterers, and lovable rich grandparents who can spin a mean yarn this movie has a character for everyone. The character dynamics are hilarious.  There’s always someone you can’t stand.  This story’s real life moments will make you feel like Krampus is coming after someone you know!

krampus-unleashed-5The combination of classic horror screams and sound effects combined with a fantastic otherworldly score makes Krampus Unleashed a movie any horror movie buff will enjoy. You’ll recognize the set ups and expect the one liners.  If you’re waiting for the other shoe to drop; yes the classic tropes are all here too – with plenty of exposition to get you through.

krampus-unleashed-6There’s plenty of gore!  From the disemboweling to glowing runes on a ancient germanic coal stone the special and video effects  meld into the movie and transform Krampus Unleashed into a nightmare that will stay with you deep into the witching hour.

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