Review: Carrie Keagan Is THE FIANCE From Hell!

You never truly know a person. This includes one that you are dating or more to the point, marrying. There are always family secrets. In THE FIANCE, a film that is arguably as much about family and secrets as it is about anything else, those secrets come back to bite in the most unexpected way.

thefiance_carriekeaganMichael Thornton (Dallas Valdez) is getting married. A businessman, Michael has recently gotten himself (and his company) out of a dangerous situation and is celebrating by popping the question to his girlfriend Sarah (Carrie Keagan). While meeting him at his cabin, Sarah is attacked by Bigfoot and bitten. The consequences of this set the film into motion as both Sarah and Michael fight to survive in their own way.the-fiance-movie-trailer

THE FIANCE is a layered film. We really get to know both Michael and Sarah through flashbacks. But as they unfold, we learn that Sarah isn’t all we think she is and her family ties lead Michael down a path calls for blood in order to survive. There is a genuine sense of danger in the scenes involving Sarah’s father and his associates. Sarah’s world is something Michael has never dealt with before and once he’s in, he is in.

carrie-keaganCarrie Keagan once again holds your attention. Her Doe eyes seen both as compassionate and filled with hunger at various parts of the film. Never afraid to get dirty, Keagan’s transformation into a beast is handled by FX Artist Michelle Sfarzo, who does amazing work.

THE FIANCE is a different kind of Bigfoot film. Though the creature is present, it’s really about his effect on others. The film presents its own theories on how the Sasquatch is born (or created) and goes with it. This is a fun and gory film that has one real goal…to entertain you!

THE FIANCE is available now on HERE

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